April 27, 2012

Farm Foto Friday

Another busy week has flown by.  Mark was able to get all of the field work done in preparation of planting corn.  The fertilizer company made it out and sprayed our fields for weeds and got all of the fertilizer applied.  We are now ready to put the corn seed in the ground.  We have also been getting ready for our annual branding.  I spent several evenings after work this week gathering medical supplies for the calves and groceries for the help.  It is raining now so looks like it will be a little sloppy sorting cattle in the morning.  We may move the branding inside the big shed to keep the calves and us out of the mud.

Cow #6 is consistant this is the 3rd calf in a row
with a small white spot on their head.

Even calves multi-task.  She was eating and resting
at the same time!

040 was flexing his big muscles for the camera!!

"All State" the bottle calf (he is a spare in case we need 1) loves him some
Dry Distllers Grain.  He was wiggling so much it was hard to get a clear picture

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