August 19, 2011

Farm Foto Friday

Here are some pictures to end the week.  Finishing up some irrigating we will soon be shutting the wells off for the year, baled some more hay, got some more to cut still, treated a couple cows and a calf for pink eye (an eye infection), took care of a dangerous creature and checked all the cows on pasture.  Summer is coming to a close quickly we will be on to fall chores soon.

Getting ready to treat a couple of cows with Pink Eye.

Found this on my way to the back of the trailer to let a couple pairs out.  Don't worry Mark shot him and took his head off before picking it up for a picture.  Yes I screamed like a Girl, but I am told I am a Girl so it is OK!

936 investigating the wheel well of the 4-Wheeler...  Maybe he will find gold or do some repairs while she is under there!!

August 12, 2011

Farm Foto Friday

They say at the end of every rainbow is a pot of Gold..  I think this counts where we come from!

I am not a good photographer, but if you look close you can see the rainbow reflection in the Pond.

History does repeat itself.  Spent Monday after work fixing fence again...